Birdie was conceived for all those who not only love this hyperactive life, but who give themselves the freedom to live it at 200%, for themselves and especially not for others. Its vocation: to help young women to perform better in their daily lives and to feel good about their bodies and their lives. Just to feel good themselves, according to the criteria they have chosen. To give everything, ok, but because they want to and because they know that it will make them feel good.




It's a winning point on the golf course: the player outperforms and scores in one point less than the expected shot. More than perfect ⚡️




Birdie's message is conveyed through a series of unretouched vintage shots of Fleur Phelipeau's mother Sophie. The style, the postures, the look... An incredible freedom emerges from these photos of the 70s and 80s. This series of photos is a way of saying no to diktats. Let's free ourselves. Let's take back possession of our bodies!

photos sophie  


"No, it is not normal to feel tired, to have a dull complexion or hair at half mast! I am passionate about food supplements and believe deeply in their ability to activate our beauty from within, but also to promote our well-being and good health. In addition to a balanced diet, regularly providing essential nutrients and vitamins boosts the body and helps it to function better.

You can then give the best of yourself by releasing all your strength and energy. Birdie embodies this young woman who wants to live her life to the full, without compromise. The formulas combine expertise and know-how with a touch of innovation and craziness that make her addictive. Her message? It is universal: Unlock your power! Be proud of your body, feel free and unfold your full potential. "Fleur Phelipeau, founder of Birdie